"Gaining maturity in yoga practice involves learning to respect the paths that other people are on and acknowledging their merits, maybe even acknowledging that your own path is lacking in some area where another one excels." ~ Geeta Iyengar

Mentoring, networking and working together

  • An Open Invitation To ALL

    Hello, Ann Dragon here; if this is your first time to NPYR, welcome!

    What makes Iyengar yoga teaching an enduring, globally recognised best practice?

    I’ve pondered this question for over 20 years. and whilst learning to practise and teach Iyengar yoga, I researched a Sports Science Honours thesis on “Participants Perceptions of the Benefits of Iyengar Yoga” (ECU, 1999).

    I’m keen to share where I’ve got to with this question and work through the myriad of other stuff you’re keen to know about Iyengar Yoga teaching.

    These sessions will broaden your understanding of how an Iyengar teacher imparts their knowledge and skills.

    And whilst there are plenty of online learning options out there, nothing beats in person, face to face communication

    I invite you to join me and delve deeper into what we love, practising and studying ourselves through Yoga.

  • Dates and times

    Sunday, 25 February, 12.30-2.30 pm

    Sunday, 24 March, 12-2pm
    Sunday, 26 May 12-2 pm.

    Plan to attend one or all sessions. The only prerequisite required is a keen interest in the subject of Yoga.

    Working with a maximum of 9 practitioners, each session will consider an underlying principle of Iyengar yoga teaching.

    If you’d like to learn more generally about Yoga philosophy, take a look at NPYR’s Wonder Well. It’s a free community service provided to yoga practitioners.

    For further info, please email

  • Current focus and resources

    Discrimination, what is it and how does yoga affect it?

    In Light on Life, Mr Iyengar uses the example of sirisasana provides a clue “In headstand pose, for example, something that usually goes wrong is that the upper arm shortens. Memory warns us to be careful before that happens. In this way, we break down bad habits ….This is a useful discrimination that awakens awareness.”

    Question is how do we as Yoga teachers bring about this understanding using Iyengar’s methodology of practice.

    DURING OUR SESSION we will use practical teaching exercises to consider and better understand this concept.

    Various teaching exercises are provided upon enrolment.